Nihongo Shoho Book ((TOP)) Free Download
happy new year! here is the new version of nihongo shoho. i have some new features and materials. you can read the description on the website. you can get the nihongo shoho on the playstore and itunes.
Nihongo Shoho Book Free Download
i am trying to make more materials for n5. if you want to help me, you can contact me or follow me on facebook page. i will give you notice if i upload new materials. i will publish materials with full source code on github. feel free to use it as you want.
i am looking for more materials for n5. if you already have materials for n4, you can use them for n5. you can get notice of any materials when they are uploaded. you can also get notice of new materials from my facebook page or twitter.
i am working on materials for n5. if you follow on facebook page or twitter, you can get notice about material when there are uploaded. you have to open the file on adobe reader for pc to play the audio. please read the instructions about the interactive file on the top of the page. if you click speaker button it plays audio. you also need to use the latest version and install flash player.
if you already have materials for n4, you can use them for n5. you can get notice of any materials when they are uploaded. i will publish materials with full source code on github. feel free to use it as you want.
thanks for your comment. i think i can still understand that you were talking about nan de and nani de. in that case, non de is the correct way. however, i am not sure if this is the case for all the expressions. i think you should study more. when you learn more, you will be more confident about your answers. if you are new to japanese, i think you should study the grammar first. try to get a japanese friend or a japanese book. thank you for your comment. =)